An occasionally updated chronicle of estate sales in the city and suburbs of Chicago.

"It's such a guilty pleasure..." Lynne Stiefel, Pioneer Press

Monday, December 21, 2009

Skokie Time Machine

Thank goodness some people never throw anything away. If not for them, traveling back in time to view these strange, quirky and downright odd items would be impossible.

Hard to believe, but this had never been taken out of the package. All this refreshing scene needs to make it complete is the Hamm's beer logo.

These are just eight of the quickie collar styles to be found inside this plastic bag. That one in the lower-left corner is especially special.

One copy from a stack of dozens, dated November, 1951.

The magazine was filled with helpful articles like this one, written by the somewhat unfortunately named Paul H. Fluck, M.D.

That's a sofa in front, wallpaper in back, and an image you won't soon forget.

Down in the basement there were two hand mixers...

... and three stand mixers, all of them older than me.

I don't know why people save things like this. Maybe it was a memento of a particularly good vacation, or an especially enjoyable day at the beach. Whatever the reason, I'm glad they do.

If you can get this past security, I'm sure everyone on the plane will be glad you brought it when the dance records start to spin.

I was so tempted. It was only $5.

This is obviously a hair extension, but it looks like something that was pulled out of the drain.


  1. That hair extension looks like a Tribble with a hangover.

  2. Right you are. An aged Tribble with a hangover.


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